Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year, New Directions

recently realized it has been almost a whole year since I last posted on this blog! What a year it has been.  The Lord has been so good to us this past year. We have met new friends, we sold some animals and bought new, different animals. We have 24 hens and a rooster. We also have 20 rabbits and more on the way, which we have had great success with. He has blessed us with the perfect place to start a micro-farm, which is coming along nicely.We've had some great successes, and some major set-backs as well. 

For instance, we took almost a whole week to build a wonderful hoop house, which turned out nice and we were even harvesting from it. A few weeks later, a huge wind storm came through and wiped it out. But, we will make lemonade out of lemons and use the salvageable supplies to do row coverings instead.( as a matter of fact I just went out and harvested some spinach) Even in a storm the Lord provided protection We have several bass wood trees around our house, and I sat up late through the night praying that the Lord would protect our house, that a tree would not fall. And He did! There were only a few branches in the yard the next morning. Which is hard to believe because there were trees down in other areas.

This coming year I have lots of plans, Lord willing. I have to be careful not to get ahead of myself. A large part of the front yard has the best sun on the whole .48 acre, and Wade has agreed to let me turn it into a large vegetable garden. That is a Huge blessing in itself. (He is always so good to go along with my crazy plans, even when he isn`t always comfortable with them) My goal is to eat only vegetables we have grown and have enough to put back for the winter. This is a huge endeavor for me.I have also been studying up on perma-culture, and want to come up with an overall plan for the property, including fruit trees and maybe a small fish pond. 

My long term goal is to reduce our food bill so that we can get out of debt sooner, rather than later. I want to be able to have our resources free for the Lord to use instead of paying "the man" :)
Those are just a couple of things I have been thinking about for this new year. 
Next week starts our first round of b-days. Every year it gets harder to believe how much my sweet children have grown, and every year I realize I`m getting closer to the age of that part of my life coming to a close. I cherish each child the Lord blesses us with and look forward to anymore He may choose to give us, but the time sure does seem to go by quickly doesn't it?

This year may each of us remember to cherish those the Lord has put in our lives and make time for them. 
Blessings From Our Circus to Yours-K


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